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Die besten kantonesische Restaurants in Linkou District


19 verfügbare Restaurants in der Nähe

Foto von 點8號 星級名廚點心專賣 林口昕境店 Restaurant
Preis: Moderat
• Cantonese • Linkou District

Foto von 華漾 DIM SUM  環球桃園A8店 Restaurant
Preis: Moderat
• Cantonese • Guishan District
Heute einmal reserviert
## 餐廳防疫措施,請大家務必配合:*進入餐廳落實二次實聯制、測量體溫並消毒手部,37.5度以上顧客恕不予以接待。*離座請全程佩戴口罩。
Foto von 青青格麗絲莊園 港點百匯 Restaurant
Preis: Moderat
• Cantonese • Luzhu District
青青格麗絲莊園   官網 港點百匯開工優惠好康 加入會員100顆鮑魚大方送度過歡樂的春節連假,馬上迎接就是開工日及補班日,青青格麗絲港點百匯推優惠活動,要你年假過後不憂鬱。 首推開工優惠「吃貨有禮-美食好友分享券」,加入會員立即贈 100顆磯煮鮑魚兌換券。本活動兌換期間 2025/2/3(一)-4/30(三),至青青集團旗下青青食尚花園會館、青青格麗絲莊園,內用2客套餐以上就得使用。消費兩客套套餐可兌換5顆磯煮鮑魚,消費四客套餐起可兌換10顆鮑魚(每組訂位最多限兌換10顆)。讓你一路用到下一個連假。掃描下方 QRcode 加入:-「青青格麗絲港點百匯」為您帶來一場美食盛宴!我們以精湛的港式料理和粵菜為您服務,從蒸、炸、烤通通應有盡有。更有令人難以忘懷的港味服務,現場提供各種蒸籠類點心,滿足您對港式美食的所有渴望。🍴 您可以期待:✨ 超過60道經典粵菜料理和精緻獨特的港點。🌞 午間限定的「秘製脆皮雞」🌙 晚間限定的「火焰櫻桃鴨」【港點百匯】 從冷盤開胃菜、港式點心、港式甜點、經典熱炒、湯品、風味主食、時令蔬菜等超過40道經典粵菜料理,港點有臘味蘿蔔糕、招牌魚翅餃、蠔皇叉燒包等;冷盤類菜色吃得到明爐烤燒鴨、蜜汁烤叉燒等。經典熱炒現場Q彈牛肉鮮河粉、金蒜蒸中蝦等。加上甜點、飲品共約60道通通都能無限續點.【用餐價位】-平日/週一~週五 $739+10%/人-假日/週六日與國定假日 $799+10%/人-孩童優惠:5歲以下 免費; 5歲-8歲 半價【用餐時段】-午餐11:30-14:00(供餐至13:30)-晚餐17:30-21:00(供餐至20:30【訂位須知】*訂位保留10分鐘,請準時抵達餐廳,逾時不另行電話通知。取消訂位可於訂位連結操作或是撥打服務專線取消。*若分開多筆訂位,煩請於用餐前3天來電告知,以便現場進行作業,當餐告知恕無法調整*座位皆於訂位時由電腦以人數隨機排列,恕不指定座位、區域 *超過十位以上預定視現場狀況安排,可能分桌或安排相鄰座位,敬請見諒* 訂位人數若與實際到場人數不符,將視現場座位情況,等候「重新給位」,請確認正確人數再行預約訂位* 用餐前1個月開放訂位,每次訂位接受人數2-10人。*若有任何異動或調整,視當日現場營運狀況為主。
Foto von Le Palais Restaurant
Preis: Sehr Niedrig
• Cantonese • Datong District
We will adjust our opening time since 1st June 2024. -2024 Opening Time- 【Lunch】:12:00~14:30 【Dinner】:18:00~21:30Closed on every Monday.⚠️ 【Booking Reminders】1. Seat reservations for the next month are available at 12:00 AM on the 1st day of the current month. (i.e. November 1st for the month of December, December 1st for the month of January.)2. When booking for a seat reservation, guests will be required to provide their credit card information as a guarantee. If the reservation is cancelled within 48 hours before the reserved schedule, a NON-refundable cancellation fee of 500NT per person will be charged.3. We do not offer window views for these reservations. Seats are based on the on-site arrangement for the day. For reservation more than 5 people, please contact us +8862-2181-9985 and +8862-2181-9986 (Service Time 10:00 - 20:00)4. Pre-order dishes are available in limited quantities. If you need to pre-order, please contact the service staff as soon as possible.? [Restaurant Dress Code]The restaurant reserves the right to refuse guests who do not meet the clothing requirements to dine in.1. Ladies are not allowed to wear slippers.2. Gentlemen and young men over the age of 8 are required to wear long trousers and close-toe shoes. Sandals, slippers, shorts, and vests are not allowed.? [Conduct Inside the Restaurant]In order to maintain a quiet, comfortable, and sanitary dining environment, please note the following:1. Be mindful of your fellow patrons while dining and keep your volume to a minimum.2. We respectfully ask parents and guardians to remind their children to refrain from being rowdy so as not to disturb other guests.3. Pets are not allowed inside the restaurant with the exception of guide dogs.4. According to the law of "Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act", smoking is prohibited in all indoor public areas. Including e-cigarette and cigar.? [Beverage Service Fees]The restaurant charges a corkage fee for the guests who bring their own alcohol. The fees are as follows:1.Red and white wine NT$1200/bottle (750ml)2.Spirits NT$2000/bottle (1000ml)If you need additional glass, it will be charged at an additional NT$100/a wineglass.? [Celebrations]If you are celebrating a birthday, please let us know in advance so we can serve you a birthday peach bun.? 【Other matters needing attention】1. All prices mentioned above are in New Taiwan Dollars, exclusive of a 10% service charge.2. The restaurant has formulated the above instructions in order to provide guests with a quality dining experience and to allow our employees to serve you better. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Foto von 晶華軒 Silks House Restaurant
Preis: Moderat
• Cantonese • Zhongshan District
Lunch: 11:30 pm - 2:30 pmLast Order 2:00pmDinner: 5:30 pm - 9:30 pmLast Order: 9:00pm- Please kindly provide specific number of persons (including numbers of children) when making a reservation to ensure seating comfort. - Online reservation is not applicable for specific table and private dining rooms. - Any kind of credit card benefit is not applicable for National Holidays and private dining room. National Holidays are as follows: 2024 New Year’s Day (1/1), Chinese New Year Festival and Valentine's Day (2/8-2/14), Peace Memorial Day (2/28), Tomb-Sweeping Day (4/4-4/7), Labor Day (5/1),Mother's Day (5/11-5/12), Dragon Boat Festival (6/8-6/10),Father’s day (8/8), Chinese Valentine's Day (8/10), Moon Festival (9/17), National Day (10/10), Christmas Day (12/24-12/25), 2025New Year’s Day(2024/12/31- 2025/1/1) - Corkage fee applies. NT$500 for wines/ per bottle; NT$1,000 for spirits/ per bottle- Group guests who make reservations separately cannot combine tablesDishes below require advance reservation:- Roasted Duck (Whole) Requires 2 days advance notice - Double-Boiled Fish Maw and Chinese Cabbage with Chicken Consomme (preparation time: 45mins)- Steamed King Crab Claw with Rice Wine. (Requires two days advance notice)
Foto von 圓山大飯店 - 金龍餐廳 Restaurant
Preis: Hoch
• Cantonese • Zhongshan District
★爸氣十足&豐父饗宴活動期間:2024年8月1日 至 8月31日金龍餐廳 全餐期活動內容:凡原價消費滿NT$6,888,憑當日發票即贈《東密導覽文化之旅券》2張(價值NT$1,000)★与龍共舞‧圓山鉅獻許文光 与玥頂級粵菜餐廳許耀光 圓山大飯店金龍餐廳兄弟聯手獻藝与玥樓頂級粵菜餐廳為台中在地指標性的 Fine Dining 餐廳,更連續多年榮獲米其林餐盤推薦台中首選餐廳名單。圓山飯店這次邀請米其林指南推薦許文光行政總主廚與金龍餐廳許耀光主廚首次兄弟攜手合作,同為廚藝界粵料主廚,四手聯創八道獨具經典結合國宴文化之料理饗宴,碰撞出粵料廚藝界嶄新的火花。*活動日期:2024年8月1日 至 10月31日*許文光主廚客座親臨:*2024年8月6日 至 8月7日 8月13日 至 8月14日 8月20日 至 8月21日*活動地點:金龍餐廳*活動價格:*套餐:NT$3,500+10% / 位 *單點:NT$880 ~ NT$1,280+10% / 道台北圓山暑期出遊首選,星級美食、舒心住房、文化體驗的完美邂逅為了回饋廣大粉絲及迎接暑期旅遊旺季,將於7月12日至7月15日在世貿一館「2024台北國際夏季旅展」,以「圓山盛夏‧玩美旅程」為主題聯合推出15款餐券、5款住宿券,超值優惠2.7折起;讓懂玩樂、愛美食的旅客們輕鬆開啟盛夏難忘的玩美旅程。台北國際夏季旅展實體展展期:2024年7月12日(五)至 7月15日(一) 10:00 至 18:00台灣美食展實體展展期:2024年8月2日(五)至 8月5日(一) 10:00 至 18:00線上展期:2024年7月5日10:00(五) 至 8月16日(五)17:00 止1、饕客必吃、品嚐經典廣東料理的「平日圓山名廚晶饡任饗券」,每張6,600元、5.7折超值價,展場購買加贈「圓山御廚無添加純釀醬油」乙瓶,憑券使用平日金龍餐廳午晚餐6人桌菜,盡享國宴主廚們精緻大氣的特色菜,來場全家共饗的美味旅行。2、愛好中式早午茶的民眾,推薦「假日金龍中式早茶超值餐券」僅需1,199元,三五好友周末聚會聯誼,就到有台北市無敵美景相伴之網美打卡景點。3、小資族激推收藏、CP值超高摘星美饌的「平假日金龍片皮鴨四人分饗餐」,每張只要4,980元,經典烤鴨四吃驚艷上桌,從片鴨、生菜鴨鬆、炒鴨絲到鴨骨煲湯,每一口都齒頰留香讓人垂涎三尺★2024年信用卡優惠一覽活動時間:2024年1月1日至2024年12月31日活動對象:境內、國人優惠卡片:華南銀行、合作金庫、遠東銀行、元大銀行、匯豐銀行、玉山銀行、兆豐銀行信用卡優惠內容:凡持卡至金龍餐廳消費,平日(週一至週四)享單點9.5折,另加原價一成服務費恕不得與其他優惠合併使用•恕無法折抵酒水、外帶品項•恕不適用於包廂、貴賓室、旅遊團體、十人以上宴會•本優惠需事先預約,並主動告知使用特約銀行信用卡,且限本人支付始能生效•本優惠不適用於:元旦(1.1)、農曆春節(2.8 - 2.14)、西洋情人節(2.14)、和平紀念日(2.28)、清明連假(4.4 - 4.7)、母親節(5.11 - 5.12)、端午連假(6.8 - 6.10)、中秋節(9.17)、國慶日(10.10)、聖誕假期(12.24 - 12.25)另提供桌菜、套菜、喜宴菜單,歡迎來電或e-mail洽詢。 專線:02 2886-1818#1262 1263 mail :圓山大飯店 金龍餐廳 dragon@grand-hotel.org★營業時間假日早茶:07:30am - 11:00am(最後點菜10:00)午餐:11:30am – 14:30pm(最後點菜14:00)晚餐: 18:00pm – 22:00pm(最後點菜21:00)★訂位需知*訂位人數請含孩童人數,以符合用餐舒適度。*包廂恕無法提供線上訂位,請洽餐廳服務人員訂位。*特殊節慶假日以及包廂恕不適用合作信用卡優惠。*訂位皆保留十分鐘,超時即不作訂位保留。*同一團體分開不同人名線上訂位,恕無法提供併桌需求。*若使用餐券或其他優惠方案,使用規則限制及餐價敬請依券上說明使用*信用卡優惠,請依照現場公告活動說明為主。另不與其他優惠方案合併使用★用餐叮嚀以下菜色需事先預訂(需三天前預訂):-金龍片皮鴨二吃-黃金片皮鵝二吃-稻草西施牛-蒜香脆皮雞-千絲菊花豆腐甜湯*國宴美饌文化套餐:每位2000/2500/3000以上須加1成服務費,內含東密道導覽(套餐皆需2人成行)*若賓客對某些食材過敏或有特殊飲食習慣,敬請事先於訂位時備註通知服務人員。*自備酒水服務費收取方式:葡萄酒每瓶NT700、烈酒每瓶NT1,000。*餐飲消費滿TWD 1000可抵扣一小時停車時數,每部車最多折抵三小時
Foto von 添好運 板橋大遠百店 Restaurant
Preis: Moderat
• Cantonese • Banqiao District
## 線上訂位流程:選擇預計用餐門市→選擇用餐日期&時間→填寫聯絡資訊→完成訂位!(系統於前一日發送確認簡訊)「**內用**」餐點均正常供應!「**外帶**」餐點均正常供應!## 進入餐廳前請配合以下政府規範:1. 請配戴口罩與落實實聯制登記2. 入店前噴酒精、量體溫(超過37.5度不得進入,請立即就醫)
Foto von 點8號 星級名廚點心專賣 桃園遠百店 Restaurant
Preis: Moderat
• Cantonese • Taoyuan District

Foto von 華漾 環球店 Restaurant
Preis: Moderat
• Cantonese • Banqiao District
Heute einmal reserviert
Coming Soon!
Foto von 明宮粵菜廳 Restaurant
Preis: Hoch
• Cantonese • Zhongshan District
Ming Court (3F)【Basic Information】Ming Court restaurant features a stylistic fusion of Oriental and Occidental architectural artistry. The Hong Kong chef presents authentic Cantonese cuisine using seasonal ingredient and time-honored culinary technique. Dim sum, course menu and a la carte items are available. ________________________________________【Operation Hours】Lunch:MON~SUN 11:30-14:30 (Last Order 14:15)Dinner:MON~SUN 18:30-22:00 (Last Order 21:15)________________________________________【Reservation Notice】1.The prices are subject to 10% service charge.2.The guest numbers for each reservation requires at least 2 up to 10.3.Corkage fee will be charged if applicable in this restaurant.4.For any reservation cancel or reschedule, please advance informs the restaurant. 5.For any late arrived, the seats will be held for 10 minutes then open for reschedule upon on-site table availabilities.6.There are also six banquet rooms offered upon request, the biggest room capacity from 10~20 (Minimum expense: Lunch NTD1,500/each; Dinner NTD1,800/each); and rests rooms from 6~10 /each (Minimum expense: Lunch NTD1,200/each; Dinner NTD1,500/each). For special reservations or seats requirements, please call (02)- 886-2-2542-3299 #Ming Court for further assistance. * Not open for Bank credit cards, One Harmony member cards and Dinning vouchers applications.________________________________________

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